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Mean Who You Are

I love reading and writing. I read most genres but my favourites would be paranormal romances and inspirational/motivational books. I have mostly started this blog because I love to read so much and want to share my reviews and thoughts with the world or anyone who wants to read it, giving my little bit of input to the world as well as any topics of light that would help and motivate you. I am also an aspiring author, in between reading books and reviewing them, I am writing two separate books, one fiction and one non-fiction. I have too many books and Ebooks, enough to last me probably 2 lifetimes! You can never have enough books... he he

The Tale of the Vampire Bride (Vampire Bride #1) by Rhiannon Frater

The Tale Of The Vampire Bride - Rhiannon Frater

Series: Vampire Bride #1
Publisher: Library of Horror Press
Publication Date: 07 December 2009
Genre: Paranormal, Horror, Adult, Romance
Source: My own collection

A little bit about Author
Born and lives in Texas
Has published 18 Books / (5 different series)
Her website: http://www.rhiannonfrater.com

What is the book about:
All Lady Glynis Wright ever wanted was the freedom to live her life as she pleased. Unfortunately, her aristocratic parents want her to marry well and settle into a life of luxury. 

When her family becomes guests to one of the most fearsome and powerful vampires of all time, Glynis finds her fate is far more terrible than an arranged marriage. Trapped in the power of her new master, she fights for freedom, revenge against her creator, and the chance to be with the one she truly loves. 

Bloody, horrific, romantic and rich in gothic atmosphere, The Tale of the Vampire Bride is sure to thrill fans of the terrible, yet romantic vampires of literary past

My Review:

At first I was not so sure if I thoroughly enjoyed this book - maybe I expected too much. The story did not grab my attention at the beginning and I did not really like the names - they were strange. How do you pronounce Cneajna? What changed my mind was that, after the book ended, I was still thinking about this book and the characters for days. If a book is still on my mind that means I probably enjoyed it much more than I realised. The characters were well developed and the world building was very good. 

Characters 4/5:

Glynis - Glynis's foolhardiness annoyed me in the beginning and throughout most of this book. Although I cannot imagine living in the earlier century and being forced into marriage, her insistent rude, shocking disobedient behaviour irritated me. Her stubbornness and defiance was just too much - I can understand not wanting to accept her fate but this was OTT for me. She was a teenager constantly throwing a tantrum and stomping her foot way too much for my liking. She did grow on me after she went to Buda with Vlad, and where she met Ignatius. Maybe the whole point was to create such an intolerable but memorable character? I really liked who she was when she was with Ignatius, and I really appreciated that she brought out the best in Vlad in the long run. Her chemistry and love with Ignatius was well captured. This is what got me thinking about this book so much.  

Vlad Dracula - He was a good 'bad' guy and I enjoyed his character. As deep and evil as he comes across, he was entertaining and unpredictable. Only in the last few chapters did I see a glimmer of 'goodness' in him and enjoyed the way Glynis brought out the better side of him. Rhiannon captured this vampire character perfectly. He was strong dominant and well-rounded. 

Cneajna, Ariana & Elina: The brides/vampire sisters - I kept thinking of the vampire brides which were in the movie, Van Helsing. I liked Cneajna's motherliness, Ariana's airy-fairy sisterliness, but Elina just annoyed me. 
Ignatius - Ok his name is terrible, but I enjoyed his character the most. He only showed up in the last 3rd of the book and this was maybe the reason I started enjoying the story more. I liked that he didn't pine yet he was consistent in his love and affection for Glynis, and I found his background story very interesting. 

Astir - I loved this character. I don't have much to say about this character, as he played a relatively small, part but I enjoyed his truth, wisdom and strength. 
Plot & Writing style: 3/5
Rhiannon can write well and the plot flowed easily but also dragged at parts. I enjoyed the dialogue and wittiness of this story. This story was a 'hit & miss' for me on capturing my attention. The plot was OK, but the ending was brilliant. After finishing the book I decided to up my rating as, although I was not absolutely captivated with it, it did linger in my mind and had me thinking quite a lot about the characters. 
Cover: 3/5
The cover did cause me to picture most of this book in cartoon mode, which was different but enjoyable for me. 

Overall I might consider reading book 2 just to see what happens with Ignatius. 
Source: http://meanwhoyouare.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-tale-of-vampire-bride-1-by-rhiannon.html