I love reading and writing. I read most genres but my favourites would be paranormal romances and inspirational/motivational books. I have mostly started this blog because I love to read so much and want to share my reviews and thoughts with the world or anyone who wants to read it, giving my little bit of input to the world as well as any topics of light that would help and motivate you. I am also an aspiring author, in between reading books and reviewing them, I am writing two separate books, one fiction and one non-fiction. I have too many books and Ebooks, enough to last me probably 2 lifetimes! You can never have enough books... he he
Series: Angelbound #3
Publisher: Ink Monster LLC
Publication Date: 14 October 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy
Source: NetGalley / Publisher (In exchange for an honest Review)
Audio or Book: ebook
Length: 200 pages
Five years have passed since Myla Lewis last fought gladiator-style in Purgatory's Arena. Now, she’s fighting again, only this time in Hell. And the stakes have never been higher. The King of Hell, Armageddon, has kidnapped Myla and Lincoln’s young son, Maxon.
In the wake of Maxon’s abduction, all the after-realms calling for war, and no one shouts louder than Lincoln. Myla knows that a war against Hell will cost millions of lives, so she devises her own plan, involving a small attack team and a secret entrance to Hell. Will Myla save Maxon, or will her child and all the after-realms fall to Armageddon?
Previous reviews:
Angelbound #1
Scala #2
My Review:
I loved jumping back into the world of Angelbound. I marked it on my calendar and was so excited when I received an invitation to review from Inky Monster. Christina Bauer is definitely one of my favourite authors and I just love Inky!!
Characters & Storyline: 4/5
Myla & Lincoln: Myla & Lincoln are now the King and Queen of the Thrax. I loved the chemistry between them as always just on a different level this time around. We see a completely different side to Myla who is no longer the feisty young quasi but now a protective Mother and Queen who would do anything and go to any lengths to save her son. They have both grown up quite a bit and I enjoyed seeing the tender side of Lincoln. They are still a kickass team, especially when they venture into Hell to save their son Maxon.
Maxon: Maxon is adorable. He just crawls into your heart & makes himself comfy! I think we are going to see amazing things from him in this series when he grows up. Connor & Octavia: They surprised me! We uncover Connor's secret and discover why he has behaved in certain ways. Hildy: Initially I was a bit unsure of Hildy and her role in the story. She went on to become on of my favourite characters! Xavier: Myla's dad is awesome - I still love him!
I missed Walker & the igni's presence. They do make an appearance but only on a small scale.
Plot, Pace, Writing style: 4/5
Christina's writing style is easy to follow and the plot was good. Some of the twists were easy to see and others were quite a surprise. The pace of the story was quick. I would have enjoyed a few more scenes with Hildy and Maxon, and maybe a bit more detail in some of the other scenes. Ultimately it was an enjoyable read.
Cover talk: 4/5
I liked the cover and understood it a bit better after having read the story.
Final Thoughts:
This was a good addition to the series and an enjoyable read.
Author Bio:
Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in Television, Radio and Film Production and English. An avowed girl geek, Christina loves creating immersive fantasy worlds with action, adventure, romance, and kick-ass female protagonists. As part of her work in Ink Monster, Christina has co-developed the ‘Heroine’s Journey,’ a blueprint for telling female myths inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son and golden retriever Ruby
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